Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, October 26, 2015

Flash of Two worlds

I chose this picture from Episode 2 of The Flash because you can see that the show has a lot of similarities to the comic. But it also shows that the show and the comic is different. The metallic bean was not falling on the Detective but in the comic the beam was falling on the civilian.Also another dead give away in that the city is on fire in the show. In a way the show and the comic are different, they are not the same. People might confuse these two and make it seem as the show was heading towards what the comic is about, that's not the case. the show might have similarities but this show is heading towards a different way more of a depressing type of show not all bright and colors. this episode was about trust and Barry cannot trust the other flash until the end of the show making it seem like Barry has a lot of pent up emotions he can't let out. These two pictures are saying to different things. Even though they look the same.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Classified Material: Ashwell Interview

The person I wanted to interview was a good friend I met this year. Her name is Amie Ashwell, she is 18 and she is half Caucasian and Filipino.

1.What's your favorite comic?
    She said, her favorite was Flash:rebirth because this is when the Flash comes back to life.

2.Why do you read comics?
    Ashwell said, I read comics because I'm a weeaboo.

3.Do you prefer to watch or read comics?
   To watch them.

4.Whats your opinion on the show "The Flash"?
    Wells, it is barry awesome!! (pun intended)

5.If you could choose one comic to turn into a show what would it be? She responded with i want season 3 of The Flash!!

6.Are shows or movies better in your opinion?
  Shows because it shows more than the movie. BAM!!

7.What can you compare a superhero from a comic with yourself?

8. Do you feel that changing the ethnicity of a traditional character is a good idea?
    She replied with "yes, i do. It makes every much more intense"

9.Whats you favorite movie that is base on a comic book?

10.What comic base super power would you like to have?
      Ashwell said, "i would love to shape-shift like BeastBoy, have X-ray vision from Superman and have Super Speed Like Flash.

This concludes the Ashwell interview.

TV shows have a darker tone?

Have you noticed how dark our favorite super heroes are in the shows we watch them in?
You probably have not, and who can blame a person for thinking otherwise if all we see from our heroes and our role models is them saving the day towards the end of the episode that we watch, the comics we may read or even the movies that we spend years looking forward to.
In most of the comic books that we see we are bombarded with a ray of shining colors projecting from our heroes but once we look towards the TV show adaptations of certain ones, we can see that these shiny outfit wearing heroes don't look all that colorful.
In this picture of Green Arrow he is in a scene that may be horrific to him as a character but if we look past that and notice how he is projected in it, we can see him in his bright green suit showing some sort of lightness to him, it shows the character even through his desperate times he projects an image of himself that may make people be hopeful of him to save the day. However, in the TV show looking at the first image of the blog, Green Arrow looks grim, somewhat darkness projects off of him if he is seen by someone from a far.

Art slides to Cinematic films

In the article Blockbuster Meets Superhero Comic, or Art House Meets Graphic Novel? The author, M McAllister depicts the raising trend of comic books transitioning to movie or show adaptations. The author states "More important, modern comic bookbased films have helped establish the industrial formula of the Hollywood popcorn blockbuster: fantastic action movie as cultural event" Meaning that comic flick movies have become something that society looks forward to discuss, perhaps as a way to mend with society and to remain in cultural discussions that people have with these movies. McAllister further adds "Comic book materials attract a youthful moviegoing demographic, appeal to nostalgic older audiences, and offer thrills and welldefined archetype characters". Showing us more ways how the comic to movie audience stay attracted to this trend and by the author's saying, it seems to appeal to most of our generation's society.

In my opinion i lean towards what McAllister says in the sense that comic book movie adaptations as well as TV show adaptations have a natural way of appealing to the mass majority of people, even the  not so die hard fans that some might align comic book lovers to be as. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

They say looks don’t matter. But when it comes to movies and television, it actually does. In the article, “Stylish ‘Hollywoodland’ is an uneven flight,” by Claudia Puig, she talks about how certain actors fit the role of a superhero better than another simply because of how they look. She uses examples such as Ben Affleck, from when he was recently casted to play the role of a superhero in tights (batman.) She also mentions that Ben is somewhat of an embarrassment because “he has a talent for singing melancholy songs in Spanish…” Besides the fact that she’s calling him an embarrassment, she know since he’s a very good looking person, the film will get a lot more viewers because of it.

I say, I don’t recall Ben Affleck singing any song in Spanish, nor is he an embarrassment for playing a superhero. But I do say that looks matter when it comes to acting 99% of the time. Mainly because if an actor or actress isn’t very attractive or appealing to the eye, they won’t get the attention, nor interest, from people, therefore, they won’t be interested in watching the show or film. When it comes to casting, it is a very difficult process because not only does the actor or actress have to act the part, but also look the part. Most of the time, the way a person looks is what gets our attention; which is why we always see good looking actors on tv shows and movies. I’m not a huge fan of this author’s argument because she’s basically just insulting the actors she talks about. She also isn’t very persuasive and definitely did not convince me of her beliefs.