Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, October 19, 2015

TV shows have a darker tone?

Have you noticed how dark our favorite super heroes are in the shows we watch them in?
You probably have not, and who can blame a person for thinking otherwise if all we see from our heroes and our role models is them saving the day towards the end of the episode that we watch, the comics we may read or even the movies that we spend years looking forward to.
In most of the comic books that we see we are bombarded with a ray of shining colors projecting from our heroes but once we look towards the TV show adaptations of certain ones, we can see that these shiny outfit wearing heroes don't look all that colorful.
In this picture of Green Arrow he is in a scene that may be horrific to him as a character but if we look past that and notice how he is projected in it, we can see him in his bright green suit showing some sort of lightness to him, it shows the character even through his desperate times he projects an image of himself that may make people be hopeful of him to save the day. However, in the TV show looking at the first image of the blog, Green Arrow looks grim, somewhat darkness projects off of him if he is seen by someone from a far.

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