Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, October 26, 2015

Flash of Two worlds

I chose this picture from Episode 2 of The Flash because you can see that the show has a lot of similarities to the comic. But it also shows that the show and the comic is different. The metallic bean was not falling on the Detective but in the comic the beam was falling on the civilian.Also another dead give away in that the city is on fire in the show. In a way the show and the comic are different, they are not the same. People might confuse these two and make it seem as the show was heading towards what the comic is about, that's not the case. the show might have similarities but this show is heading towards a different way more of a depressing type of show not all bright and colors. this episode was about trust and Barry cannot trust the other flash until the end of the show making it seem like Barry has a lot of pent up emotions he can't let out. These two pictures are saying to different things. Even though they look the same.

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