Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, September 28, 2015

CIVIL WAR : Iron-Man VS Captain America

Hello, people! So this blog today will be different from the rest. As you can see I'm not writing about the Flash today. I will write about some of Jack Kirby's Comic books. In a year or so we have heard that the Avengers  will have a movie about the civil war that happens between to comrades. One being Iron-Man and the other Captain America. These two split super heroes in half making it two factions. As you can see in the picture Captain America is fighting Iron-Man and this is a huge turning point in Marvel history, making it one of the best stories out there well in my opinion. It makes me excited to see that even heroes have disagreements, that they aren't perfect as we see them to be. It gives them a sense of humanity even though they are these super powered beings. I find it so amazing  that this fight will be shown in 2016.Other then that I feel kinda restless and this drawing just makes it even better, Kirby really did do justice on this drawing of them fighting. It shows that Captain america is more cautious and conserve. while on the other hand Iron-man is more forward, striking with thinking but being reckless. It's a bit of an oxymoron but hey it's Iron-man. These two are complete opposites of each other which makes them the best candidates for a civil war. I'm just really excited, well thank you guys catch you next week.

Monday, September 21, 2015

                                                                     Release time: 23 June 1989(USA)
                       Composer: Danny Elfman
     Gotham, a city that has 200 years history, right now is dark, corrupt and degraded, citizens of the city can’t feel happiness because the justice cannot be uphold. People have to worry about their safe all the time. Bruce Wayne, is a rich man, but also has a sense of justice. At night, he will become the Batman to get rid of cruel and pacify the good people. However, Jack Napier, the man who wants to be the governor of Gotham city, was taken a heavy toll by Batman. So he wants to wipe out the Batman. After some drastic fighting, finally, the Batman defeat Jack Napier, and he save people of Gotham city.                   
     The first cue is begin at 24:14 and spot out at 29:30. It is named surround. And it is Jack Napier’s theme. The cue make people feel little nervous, and there is some issue will be happen. The pacing is fast. The instruments of orchestration is low pitched woodwind and percussion. The music is phrasing the action.                                         
     The second one spots in 61:48 and spot out at 63:26. It is a song that names The Future. It is Jack Napier’s theme. The mood of this is funny. The pacing is medium. The orchestration is brass and percussion. The music is playing through the action.                                          
     The third cue spot in at 67:02 and spot out at 72:09. The name is Batman, and it is Batman’s theme. The mood is heart-stirring. The pacing is steady. The orchestration is full French horn. The music is phrasing the action.                
The fourth cue spot in at 94:00 and spot out at 95:34. The name is Batman, it is Batman theme. The pacing is steady. The mood is full power. The orchestration is brass and percussion.                                               
     The fifth cue spot in at 101:50 and spot out at 102:44. The name is Batman, it is a Batman’s theme. The pacing is steady. The mood is powerful. The orchestration is low-pitched woodwinds.                                

     Overall, the score enhanced this film. In the beginning, the score make a dark and powerful opining. In the movie’s sense, the music is phrasing the action. The mood of music just like background of the Gotham city.

How far have we came to?!?!

Batman vs. Robin? Father vs. Son? To what extend has society brainwashed us to go to that extreme 
and fight ours parents to death? As a big Batman fan I can say this is the worst feeling to see the most best working teammates go at it against each other. After so many years they have worked together it all ends by them going at it. Not as a normal fight, but a fight to death. If you do not know, after so many generations superheroes have been Robin. This Robin is the most special and different one, not only because it's Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Talia al Ghul, because he has always has had the mentality of vengeance for his grandfather's  (Ra’s al Ghul) death and to prove to his father he can be some one strong, even stronger than his father, Bruce. Damien Wayne (Robin) has had trouble  having a normal son-father bond. He has only had pride for himself, to be tough and to brave to whoever gets in his way. That caused the war with his own father. Damien had the mentality of a grown up/ assassin killer, he had no feelings for no one but his grandfather and mother that he grew up with. By that time, it was very difficult to care for him if they were never there physically as he grew up. Damien can be compared to problems any teenager has went against their parents. Maybe because phones, clothes. etc. but to an extent. To want to kill our parents to be above them is too much. If Batman and Robin would have ended it in peace, it would have been a different story to this one. To have to kill your own son, your own blood because there was no other choice is just too much to go through, especially as a Batman fan and younger viewers. 

The Transformation of Oliver Queen

Catching up on Arrow. One pivotal moment from the last season that aired was when Oliver queen underwent a transformation going from being simply "The Arrow" to being called "Al Sah-Him". The season was a little "off" compared to the previous in the sense that there weren't too many exciting moments that grabbed my attention. And me being a nerd when it comes to these comic TV show adaptations, i tend to look for the episodes that keep me hooked and hyped to know and fined out what's going to happen on the following episode. Without getting into to much spoilers, most of the episodes this season featured the "sub" characters instead of Oliver himself and this ties to his transformation into becoming "Al Sah-Him." In an article on Bustle.com called "What Does "Al Sah-Him" Mean On 'Arrow'? Oliver's New Identity Is Extremely Fitting"  author Kelly Schremph talks about how Oliver became "Al Sah-Him' when she stated "Change is never easy, but it's something Team Arrow is going to have to learn to deal with now that Oliver is an official member of the League of Assassins in preparation for becoming the next Ra's al Ghul." Basically she clarified why Oliver underwent his transformation and what it could signify to him becoming the next Ra's al Ghul. I myself see his transformation as the highlight of this season. When she further wrote "But at the same time, I'm not going to lie. Things are definitely looking pretty bleak at this point regarding Oliver's trajectory as Heir to the Demon." I feel that with Al Sah-Him at that time being prepped to take charge of the League, we really didn't get to see much of him early on of the season. Making it for me to be a downside of the season because it could have been fully flushed out as "The season of Al Sah-him" but instead there were shortcomings in my point of view. Moving forward. I see this show only improving from here on out due to it competing with The Flash as the best comic book TV show. " What's in a name, you may ask? Well, in Oliver's case, it may just be everything." A new name. A new identity. A major role change could happen for Oliver with him transforming to Al Sah-Him and later on, "Ra's al-Ghoul". I look forward to watching this show build up its plots and even its sub plots even though i don't find them as intriguing.

Ryan Reynolds, a superhero???

Despite the fact that I’m a HUGE Ryan Reynolds fan, I wasn’t such a fan of him playing the role of Green Lantern. When I think of Ryan Reynolds, I think of an amazing comedic actor, not a superhero. In an article on heyuguys.com, called “The Five Best And Worst Superhero Casting Decisions,” author Josh Wilding talks about how not many people were fond of the fact that not only was Ryan Reynolds casted as Green Lantern, but also that the movie was very poorly scripted compared to the original comic book. Wilding states that, “the fact that he (Ryan Reynolds) was lumbered with a terrible script and an unsuitable director ended up being more than enough for most fans to hope that the next Green Lantern is not only portrayed by a different actor, but that they also use a totally different character,” this clearly lets us know that most of the people who watched this movie were not pleased with how the film was put out. Wilding gives his personal input on the film franchising saying that, “it really is hard to not view take on the space faring superhero as bad enough to not want to see Ryan return and to implore the studio to make a fresh start,” basically meaning that the film should just be made again with a whole different outtake; how it should’ve been in the first place.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

So what if The Flash Has A 'Black" Girlfriend ?!?!?

       As a fan on the flash I was used to Iris being white. Her usual look blues eyes, orange reddish hair and other features. But when I saw this I was very intrigued because I've never seen a 'black' Iris before. But I have seen a black version of her nephew Wally West AKA The Kid Flash. According to Some Critics of comic books “race-bending” or “race-switching” in adaptations of comic book lore don’t seem to be racist. Rather, as one website summarizes their complaint, they object to “political correctness pandering meant to foster the illusion of diversity, which is disrespectful to the tradition of these characters AND the general public.” The point these critics are trying to make is the race-bending these characters are bad and should go back to the traditional way the comic books were, meaning Iris would have to be white again and every other character who was white has to be white and can'rt be another race. Some comic book nerds of a certain age states,"the “tradition” of comic books in the 1950s and '60s was to ignore blacks — perhaps to avoid offending readers in the South (or their racist parents)." In other words, these nerds believe the the traditional way was ignoring blacks and appealing to white american so they wouldn't get offended that whites and blacks would mix making these super heroes being white with white girlfriends or wife. DC Comics Admitted when they wrote "That tradition was a dishonest and dishonorable one — as DC Comics admitted in a 1970." In making this comment DC urges us to think away from the traditional way, it was bad and dishonest. It showed that it was racist and it wanted to appeal to white Americans. Well as a nerd of flash I find the new Iris to be amazing she plays a great part in Barry's life, she is also beautiful, and sticks to her character. while it might have drifted from the traditional way, I'm finding myself to enjoy it, I love a new change something exciting. I believe The flash can have a black girlfriend, which in the future she becomes his wife.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Original (Silver Age) Flash Costume

 In this picture you have the flash running at high speeds. You can see this, behind him while he is running and tearing threw the streets, literally taking them apart as he runs.you can also tell that he is running really fast by his limbs because they are blurred out giving it the motion of high speeds. also the legs each step he takes is explosive to the ground. The lines in this picture are wild they  go everywhere, the lighting he is generating in giving him power. The lighting shows so much movement the intensity of this movement is complacently wild and out of control. What you might notice fist in this picture is the symbol in he chest, this is because the symbol on his chest is in the center but the not only that the Red color is much brighter and you can see it clearly and it grabs your attention.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Each superhero movie has its own characters, but years later, when they want to remake that same film (not every single superhero movie), they recast each character. But, this only happens when they REBOOT the film or series. It's never re-casted for-say, the second continuation of the first one. For example, the Fantastic 4. The reboot of this film was renamed into Fantastic Four instead of Fantastic 4. Even though it's not much of a difference, it's in a way, telling us that it's not a completely different part of the sequel, but a remake of the original with different characters and not the exact same scenes as the other films. Of course you might think that the original cast is way better, so why would they recast the whole thing. I don't blame you! I feel the exact same way! But, we have to understand that they're not replacing the other the original cast because it's not actually part of the sequel! They're showing us the entire film from a different perspective! And I'm sure we haven't seen the last of superhero movies being rebooted! The good thing we get out of it is seeing who plays a better Human Torch or Mister Fantastic. Look at it like this, we all get to be film reviewers in a way!

Monday, September 7, 2015

ZOOM is HERE!?!?!?!?

In August 31, Speedforce.org and flashfans.org have presented that Tony Todd will be playing Zoom. Who is Zoom you might ask? Well he is one of two "Blue Speedsters". In  any major media have they ever introduced other speedsters instead of the Big four Speedsters.NO! But they finally introduced The Blue Speedster ZOOM. Generally this character isn't blue but he is in the show,he is the third reverse flash but thats for another time. In the beginning, before people blogged about Tony Todd they showed the Teaser Trailer of a Blue Blur (in Comic-Con) before the video ended a lot of people thought the Blue Flash would be a 20 year older version of Barry. This is because the Trailer sounded Dark and depressing like he regrets his decisions on how he could have saved his mom but didn't, which plays in a huge serious important parts of Barry's life. This is what made him go mad and become the Blue flash but this wasn't the case. What Barry did is he finally opened and created the SPEED FORCE without him knowing, making and connecting Alternate realities possible as well as different time lines and time traveling possible. Which is why Jay Garrick The Golden Age Flash From a different Alternate dimension came to warn Barry Allen That ZOOM is here. How the story unfolds well that's for later blogs right now this is all i have on zoom and on the flash show.... or am i hiding more information? Are there more Speedsters? What happen to the original Reverse-Flash? Does he come back?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Mission Statement

    As a group, we'll be looking at the different aspects that comics have when they are introduce in the television. Some of us will be looking at specific shows, like the flash and arrow, others will be looking at the casting, the production and the final outcome of the shows or movies. At the same time one of our team member had a great idea of comparing the shows to the original or to an alternate comic version of the shows. Our blog will have very different views on super hero shows,.