Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, September 21, 2015

How far have we came to?!?!

Batman vs. Robin? Father vs. Son? To what extend has society brainwashed us to go to that extreme 
and fight ours parents to death? As a big Batman fan I can say this is the worst feeling to see the most best working teammates go at it against each other. After so many years they have worked together it all ends by them going at it. Not as a normal fight, but a fight to death. If you do not know, after so many generations superheroes have been Robin. This Robin is the most special and different one, not only because it's Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Talia al Ghul, because he has always has had the mentality of vengeance for his grandfather's  (Ra’s al Ghul) death and to prove to his father he can be some one strong, even stronger than his father, Bruce. Damien Wayne (Robin) has had trouble  having a normal son-father bond. He has only had pride for himself, to be tough and to brave to whoever gets in his way. That caused the war with his own father. Damien had the mentality of a grown up/ assassin killer, he had no feelings for no one but his grandfather and mother that he grew up with. By that time, it was very difficult to care for him if they were never there physically as he grew up. Damien can be compared to problems any teenager has went against their parents. Maybe because phones, clothes. etc. but to an extent. To want to kill our parents to be above them is too much. If Batman and Robin would have ended it in peace, it would have been a different story to this one. To have to kill your own son, your own blood because there was no other choice is just too much to go through, especially as a Batman fan and younger viewers. 

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