Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Sunday, September 20, 2015

So what if The Flash Has A 'Black" Girlfriend ?!?!?

       As a fan on the flash I was used to Iris being white. Her usual look blues eyes, orange reddish hair and other features. But when I saw this I was very intrigued because I've never seen a 'black' Iris before. But I have seen a black version of her nephew Wally West AKA The Kid Flash. According to Some Critics of comic books “race-bending” or “race-switching” in adaptations of comic book lore don’t seem to be racist. Rather, as one website summarizes their complaint, they object to “political correctness pandering meant to foster the illusion of diversity, which is disrespectful to the tradition of these characters AND the general public.” The point these critics are trying to make is the race-bending these characters are bad and should go back to the traditional way the comic books were, meaning Iris would have to be white again and every other character who was white has to be white and can'rt be another race. Some comic book nerds of a certain age states,"the “tradition” of comic books in the 1950s and '60s was to ignore blacks — perhaps to avoid offending readers in the South (or their racist parents)." In other words, these nerds believe the the traditional way was ignoring blacks and appealing to white american so they wouldn't get offended that whites and blacks would mix making these super heroes being white with white girlfriends or wife. DC Comics Admitted when they wrote "That tradition was a dishonest and dishonorable one — as DC Comics admitted in a 1970." In making this comment DC urges us to think away from the traditional way, it was bad and dishonest. It showed that it was racist and it wanted to appeal to white Americans. Well as a nerd of flash I find the new Iris to be amazing she plays a great part in Barry's life, she is also beautiful, and sticks to her character. while it might have drifted from the traditional way, I'm finding myself to enjoy it, I love a new change something exciting. I believe The flash can have a black girlfriend, which in the future she becomes his wife.

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