Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, September 21, 2015

Ryan Reynolds, a superhero???

Despite the fact that I’m a HUGE Ryan Reynolds fan, I wasn’t such a fan of him playing the role of Green Lantern. When I think of Ryan Reynolds, I think of an amazing comedic actor, not a superhero. In an article on heyuguys.com, called “The Five Best And Worst Superhero Casting Decisions,” author Josh Wilding talks about how not many people were fond of the fact that not only was Ryan Reynolds casted as Green Lantern, but also that the movie was very poorly scripted compared to the original comic book. Wilding states that, “the fact that he (Ryan Reynolds) was lumbered with a terrible script and an unsuitable director ended up being more than enough for most fans to hope that the next Green Lantern is not only portrayed by a different actor, but that they also use a totally different character,” this clearly lets us know that most of the people who watched this movie were not pleased with how the film was put out. Wilding gives his personal input on the film franchising saying that, “it really is hard to not view take on the space faring superhero as bad enough to not want to see Ryan return and to implore the studio to make a fresh start,” basically meaning that the film should just be made again with a whole different outtake; how it should’ve been in the first place.

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