Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Transformation of Oliver Queen

Catching up on Arrow. One pivotal moment from the last season that aired was when Oliver queen underwent a transformation going from being simply "The Arrow" to being called "Al Sah-Him". The season was a little "off" compared to the previous in the sense that there weren't too many exciting moments that grabbed my attention. And me being a nerd when it comes to these comic TV show adaptations, i tend to look for the episodes that keep me hooked and hyped to know and fined out what's going to happen on the following episode. Without getting into to much spoilers, most of the episodes this season featured the "sub" characters instead of Oliver himself and this ties to his transformation into becoming "Al Sah-Him." In an article on Bustle.com called "What Does "Al Sah-Him" Mean On 'Arrow'? Oliver's New Identity Is Extremely Fitting"  author Kelly Schremph talks about how Oliver became "Al Sah-Him' when she stated "Change is never easy, but it's something Team Arrow is going to have to learn to deal with now that Oliver is an official member of the League of Assassins in preparation for becoming the next Ra's al Ghul." Basically she clarified why Oliver underwent his transformation and what it could signify to him becoming the next Ra's al Ghul. I myself see his transformation as the highlight of this season. When she further wrote "But at the same time, I'm not going to lie. Things are definitely looking pretty bleak at this point regarding Oliver's trajectory as Heir to the Demon." I feel that with Al Sah-Him at that time being prepped to take charge of the League, we really didn't get to see much of him early on of the season. Making it for me to be a downside of the season because it could have been fully flushed out as "The season of Al Sah-him" but instead there were shortcomings in my point of view. Moving forward. I see this show only improving from here on out due to it competing with The Flash as the best comic book TV show. " What's in a name, you may ask? Well, in Oliver's case, it may just be everything." A new name. A new identity. A major role change could happen for Oliver with him transforming to Al Sah-Him and later on, "Ra's al-Ghoul". I look forward to watching this show build up its plots and even its sub plots even though i don't find them as intriguing.

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