Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Friday, December 11, 2015


Superheroes have had their fare share of being interpreted in many ways. First, they were appearing on comic books. Then came movies and TV shows. But one aspect that people seem to overlook is Video Games. I'm a super nerd when it comes to playing video games as my playstation account would show, with me being previously the 3rd on the leaderboards across all my country which is Kuwait with the highest trophies collected. For me to have gotten to that spot i was playing almost literally every game that came out in 2010-2013. This journey has led me to discover a game that is now very popular among many gamer around the world and that game series is the Batman Arkham series. The series includes Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham City, and lastly, Batman Arkham Knight. Arkham Asylum is arguably the best comic adaptation video game out there and it has made me become a Batman fan which the movies couldn't pull off in making me one. 

Video Games are a great interactive way to
attract people that may not be into comic books, movies, or TV shows. And i belive that more superheroes should make in to consoles soon to boost their fan-ships 

Interview With A Villain Fan

This was an interview that i had conducted with a a class mate of mine that was with me in a class last semester. The interviewee's name is ALI. He is 19 years old and goes to CSUN as a freshman.

  •  Y: Who is your favorite super hero? 
  •  A: My favorite i'd have to say is not a superhero but a villain and he is Venom, from spiderman. 
  •  Y: What do you think is the best comic adaptation that you saw or have been seeing? 
  •  A: I watch shows like The Flash and Walking dead, i heard about the other ones like Gotham but i havent seen it yet. 
  •  Y: Do you think comic books are still relevant or do you think TV shows and movies are the way to go when viewing superheroes?
  •  A: I'm still a fan of comic books and i still read them to this day so to me they are relevant.
  •  Y: How old were you when you began to read comic books? And what made you read them to begin with? 
  •  A: Well, if i remember correctly my first comic book that i read was about venom. I read that when i was a young teenager at the age of 13 i'd say. Comic books drew me in when i first started watching movies like the spiderman trilogy.
  •  Y: Ok Ali, One last question to conclude on. Who is a superhero that you would love to see staring in a TV show or a movie that has not had one yet? 
  •  A: VENOM ALL THE WAY! They have to make more movies including him.
  •  Y: Alright, thank you for your time Ali 
  •  A: Your welcome.

This is Venom to those who don't know him

Wrap up

Comics on TV are progressively increasing in both the amount of shows that are put on, as well as the viewership of fans. Shows like Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Supergirl and Daredevil are ushering in an era where Comic superheroes are the main attractions and becoming the "water-cooler" talk around offices and schools. I leave readers of our blog "Comics on TV" with thoughts of why do you as a reader think that superheroes are only now becoming super famous amoung people of all ages? I've learned throughout the research of this topic that the fans of the TV shows don't necessarily need to be fans of the actual comic books iterations, and that liking a superhero show doesn't mean that viewers will now go and read the comic books. So in my opinion, i view comic books as a thing of the past, with the TV shows now being the main way to project these superheroes in a way that is more lifelike than reading them on books. Cheer and Enjoy the rest of the blog posts from my Blog-mates :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

This is the End for Now!

Hello Blog readers, this will be my last blog for now, doesn't mean it will be my last. It is time to move on in life. Well I want to start by saying this was an honor to blog for you my audience of the new news and conspiracies there has been around the world and back. News about either movies, games, social media similarities and comparisons with celebrities playing different roles in either sports or in comic book wise. I learned allot from my topic that was how can we compare comic books with television shows. As you guys have seen I am a big Batman fan that somehow in some way I would talk something to do with Batman, if i overwrote to much by him I am sorry. As i go on, I have learned new things that I really did not pay attention to until now. I never believed television shows and comic books can go deep enough as my group partners and I did through this whole semester. The process became more different each time but could still be compared to my whole idea. That is why they say a picture can say a thousand words and it is true. In conclusion, to my bloggers and readers I want to say thanks for your time, thanks for your patience. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016. until the next blog, see you soon and take care.

Brazilian "Hulk" Soccer Player vs. Marvel Hulk

 Hello Blog readers! Today I will be comparing both favorite soccer player and also only Marvel Superhero I believe is he best. FIFA Headquarters made a commercial for the new FIFA game that was going to be coming out and the Brand Nike to get more people to buy there products. It showed different players turning to superheroes and one of my favorite ones was the one that I chosed today. Say hello to Hulk playing as Hulk ( Givanildo Vieira de Souzain) the soccer field. Souzain known as Hulk is born in Paraiba, Brazil  he is 29 years old weighing 187 lbs, 5'11 of height
 He has a salary of 5 million Euros and plays for for a team in Russia called FC Zenit Saint Petersburg (#7 / Forward). In his national team that is Brazil he also plays forward or RW. He is known as Hulk in FIFA because he has green eyes, he has the face structure as Hulk and he is always fit. He is one of some players that are fit just by looking at them then when they take of their jerseys. As in the pictures the Marvel Hulk 
cannot really play football because he will either scare the players away or throw the fall all the way to space.


Batman Never Seen Before, His Other Soft Side


Batman has never been seen his soft side. A side where he cares for someone that has been with him from the first years, Jason Todd. Jason Todd was Batman's sidekick known as Robin. Batman cared for Jason Todd than his own son Damian that became the last Robin. Jason Todd was never found after he was in Arkham Ayslum where Batman thought Todd had died, but indeed he died physically, but mentally he did. He had the patience to wait for Batman to come and save him but he never did. Joker was getting into Todd's head telling him "he will never come", "by now he already had another Robin by his side". But through all that Todd never gave up for Batman to come and save him from the Joker's cruelty. Joker would scared him, beat him and even call him his property until Todd gave in and gave up on his hope of being saved by Batman. In the comic book it shows Todd escaping with the last strength he had after he had been humiliated, physically and mentally hurt because he trusted Batman, but Batman never showed up. These are just some of the things
As in the game Batman Arkham Knight this is where the story continues on. Batman kept having those nightmares of watching Jason Todd suffer after the Joker was killed and somehow he was inside of Batman controlling his body in occasions. Batman had a new side kick that was Tim Drake, he saw him very different. Tim wanted to trust Batman and show him he is there for anything, but Batman would get away because he was always thinking of Todd. Without Batman knowing Todd was alive he came back to take vengeance against Batman. Both were blind because Batman did not know he was still alive, if he would've known there would be a big possibility Todd would had been saved. Batman did not know and Todd did not know Batman was not informed of his survival on Arkham Asylum. If both sides knew the story would've been different and they would not have had to fight against each other. this was the only time Batman truly showed his caring side either than his parent's death.

What Can Used for The Real World, And What Not

Mental health can affect anyone that is influenced when they are put around either if it's a movie, video games or media itself. Liam Clark says, Video games are the most affect to younger audience that play video games such as "Batman: Arkham Asylum". The game takes role in the Mental Hospital of Arkham where it's a game you play have the experience of a mental client going through your mental problems and fighting out door problems. As how Batman is going through all his troubles it is put in a game to see it in his own eyes and this can affect a person in reality such as some celebrities such as Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Paul Gascoigne, and Frank Bruno that they had some type of breakdown go through struggles such as drug addiction. Also, having to go to mental hospitals to get mental help or be put away because they have the mind of "ill killers or tales of triumph against adversity" (Clark). or even to the maximum of suicide and extermination to themselves. Furthermore, Clark claims, because they are big celebrities they can become a big role model to media and the viewers to even follow their steps even when they might know they are going through struggles and it's not a good thing. 
In my opinion I am a big gamer, I have all the Batman games, especially Batman Arkham Asylum and I have never had that idea of affecting me in my person life after a fiction game. I see it more as a way to play and have different roles in games but never to the extent that it will affect me in my person life. Well nowadays there is nothing good to see in Television but except tragedies that happen in other countries weather from a natural disaster or man-made. Also, we have seen famous celebrities die, for example, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain (lead singer from band "Nirvana"), Amy Winehouse, Robin Williams, Paul Walker and more. This is a normal thing that everyone has to go through, we will all die some day just that these celebrities had something in their minds that they could not understand. Maybe unhappiness with themselves, not having the chance to live a normal life, and having the fear of what if... it was destiny or they decided to end their lives before. This is nothing more than what we see today. and I doubt someone will go mental from a video game such as Batman. But there is always an if.. but from my point of view I know whats good and whats bad. I know what can really be used in the real world and what is just to have fun with in a gaming world. And for sure I know I will keep on playing Batman Arkham Asylum  without a problem and watch social media without a problem too.

The Other side of the Comic Books, Marvel side

Hello Blog readers! Today I will be talking about someone else besides Batman and the DC Universe. Today it will be about is Marvel side of the story that is Black Panther and The Eternals. On the left is the very first comic issue of The Eternals with the caption "When Gods Walk The Earth". It is The Eternals side of there story that show a huge statue that is alive ready for battle meanwhile the superhero on yellow and blue tights seems to have the power such as Green Lantern because the ring is glowing is if he is about to attack or end the fight and in the bottom of him are to woman that have the outfit as the stone age and seem to be under the guy on yellow and blue tights that represents dominance, muscularity and same characteristics as Superman, not afraid of anything. with his yellow and blue tight he also reminds me of Aquaman, King of the Sea. 
On my right side in my opinion the twin of Batman but on the Marvel side "Black Panther".  Why do I say this is Batman's twin, it's because of the outfit and persona. Batman used to where his costume called "Batman Beyond" that looks very similar to Black Panthers, except for the Batman Logo in the front and the red shading. Also, their personalities. They both have the same attitude that like to work alone and never show weakness for now nor themselves. In this comic issue it seems that Black Panther is in the need of help and how do I know? I can tell by his eyes that has opened wide as if not even he can understand the situation that is happening to him. Normally he has everything in control, but not this time. 
Furthermore, his hands are reaching out to the reader to help him, how? I guess by reading the comic book. In conclusion, when I look at both comic books it seems as if it is a fight both The Eternals and Black Panther are having. As in the first issue on the left it looks like if the big blue monster is Black Panther fighting against The Eternals and on the right is the conitinuation of the fight, just that this time it's The Eternals in control. How do I know it might be him? I can tell by the tights he is wearing the colors seem very similar to each other. On the left comic book it is farther away compared to the right side comic book that is more closer and has more details.

Imaginary World vs Reality

Hello my fellow classmates, today I will be talking about how money changes everything in our persona, or how we are taught to believe money is everything in life but in reality it is a dream for some and a reality for others. Has anyone everyone heard "money cannot always buy you happiness" or as some might say, in some occasions. A person can have money for vacation, but after a while wouldn't they get bored? After too much fun there is always an end or get tired of the same routine. The term people use "Money talks", means as long as you have lots of money odds will always be on your side. As in the article, "Superhero Expenses: The Estimated Costs of Batman & Iron Man" by Rob Keyes compares two iconic superheroes from DC Universe and Marvel as we know them for their cool gadgets and the millions-billions of dollars they have to be as we know them superheros. Keyes compares both Batman and Iron-man to where they spent millions to billions in suits they wear to fight crime and how they waste money like nothing to make themselves feel good for themselves and be more modern. Which in reality, no rich person would want to spent a fortune of their money to go out, fight crime late night and make themselves look ridiculous in the streets. They would care more to make more money than spending. Media gives us this idea that without money their is no power, don't get me wrong on this, but money is good to an amount that is needed to live and survive each day. As in the article, "How Much Money Do You Really Need To Be Happy?" by Robert Glatter, MD, explains, money is needed as a way of living each day, to feed our families and live a healthy life and a "comfortable standard", normal life not having to deal with how much money is being made and losing. To live in the "comfortable standard" it has to be a yearly salary of 55k to live a happy and healthy life.  Furthermore, Glatter,MD,explains "what we do with our money is more important than the money we earn." As long as we know that the money is going to a good place, such as food for the family, help organizations and help other situations that go around us such as shelters for people without homes or food for the next day is a great feeling and the money has went to somewhere that is going to be used than only yourself. Money is what people work so hard for and desire to have, but isn't too much money a problem? As in the comic books and television shows, Batman has money, but with so much money he has there is a sorrowfulness in his heart where he spends so much money to fill the emptiness in his heart after his parent's death and shows the real side of people with money go through.  Meanwhile, Iron-man spends more money over and over for no reason and media makes us want to be that when reality not everyone makes it big, it's like a lottery, one in hundred-thousands win the big Jackpot and for others its just that illusion we are put in our minds that this can be you, but not everyone has the luck to succeed.