Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Friday, December 11, 2015

Interview With A Villain Fan

This was an interview that i had conducted with a a class mate of mine that was with me in a class last semester. The interviewee's name is ALI. He is 19 years old and goes to CSUN as a freshman.

  •  Y: Who is your favorite super hero? 
  •  A: My favorite i'd have to say is not a superhero but a villain and he is Venom, from spiderman. 
  •  Y: What do you think is the best comic adaptation that you saw or have been seeing? 
  •  A: I watch shows like The Flash and Walking dead, i heard about the other ones like Gotham but i havent seen it yet. 
  •  Y: Do you think comic books are still relevant or do you think TV shows and movies are the way to go when viewing superheroes?
  •  A: I'm still a fan of comic books and i still read them to this day so to me they are relevant.
  •  Y: How old were you when you began to read comic books? And what made you read them to begin with? 
  •  A: Well, if i remember correctly my first comic book that i read was about venom. I read that when i was a young teenager at the age of 13 i'd say. Comic books drew me in when i first started watching movies like the spiderman trilogy.
  •  Y: Ok Ali, One last question to conclude on. Who is a superhero that you would love to see staring in a TV show or a movie that has not had one yet? 
  •  A: VENOM ALL THE WAY! They have to make more movies including him.
  •  Y: Alright, thank you for your time Ali 
  •  A: Your welcome.

This is Venom to those who don't know him

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