Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Other side of the Comic Books, Marvel side

Hello Blog readers! Today I will be talking about someone else besides Batman and the DC Universe. Today it will be about is Marvel side of the story that is Black Panther and The Eternals. On the left is the very first comic issue of The Eternals with the caption "When Gods Walk The Earth". It is The Eternals side of there story that show a huge statue that is alive ready for battle meanwhile the superhero on yellow and blue tights seems to have the power such as Green Lantern because the ring is glowing is if he is about to attack or end the fight and in the bottom of him are to woman that have the outfit as the stone age and seem to be under the guy on yellow and blue tights that represents dominance, muscularity and same characteristics as Superman, not afraid of anything. with his yellow and blue tight he also reminds me of Aquaman, King of the Sea. 
On my right side in my opinion the twin of Batman but on the Marvel side "Black Panther".  Why do I say this is Batman's twin, it's because of the outfit and persona. Batman used to where his costume called "Batman Beyond" that looks very similar to Black Panthers, except for the Batman Logo in the front and the red shading. Also, their personalities. They both have the same attitude that like to work alone and never show weakness for now nor themselves. In this comic issue it seems that Black Panther is in the need of help and how do I know? I can tell by his eyes that has opened wide as if not even he can understand the situation that is happening to him. Normally he has everything in control, but not this time. 
Furthermore, his hands are reaching out to the reader to help him, how? I guess by reading the comic book. In conclusion, when I look at both comic books it seems as if it is a fight both The Eternals and Black Panther are having. As in the first issue on the left it looks like if the big blue monster is Black Panther fighting against The Eternals and on the right is the conitinuation of the fight, just that this time it's The Eternals in control. How do I know it might be him? I can tell by the tights he is wearing the colors seem very similar to each other. On the left comic book it is farther away compared to the right side comic book that is more closer and has more details.

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