Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Imaginary World vs Reality

Hello my fellow classmates, today I will be talking about how money changes everything in our persona, or how we are taught to believe money is everything in life but in reality it is a dream for some and a reality for others. Has anyone everyone heard "money cannot always buy you happiness" or as some might say, in some occasions. A person can have money for vacation, but after a while wouldn't they get bored? After too much fun there is always an end or get tired of the same routine. The term people use "Money talks", means as long as you have lots of money odds will always be on your side. As in the article, "Superhero Expenses: The Estimated Costs of Batman & Iron Man" by Rob Keyes compares two iconic superheroes from DC Universe and Marvel as we know them for their cool gadgets and the millions-billions of dollars they have to be as we know them superheros. Keyes compares both Batman and Iron-man to where they spent millions to billions in suits they wear to fight crime and how they waste money like nothing to make themselves feel good for themselves and be more modern. Which in reality, no rich person would want to spent a fortune of their money to go out, fight crime late night and make themselves look ridiculous in the streets. They would care more to make more money than spending. Media gives us this idea that without money their is no power, don't get me wrong on this, but money is good to an amount that is needed to live and survive each day. As in the article, "How Much Money Do You Really Need To Be Happy?" by Robert Glatter, MD, explains, money is needed as a way of living each day, to feed our families and live a healthy life and a "comfortable standard", normal life not having to deal with how much money is being made and losing. To live in the "comfortable standard" it has to be a yearly salary of 55k to live a happy and healthy life.  Furthermore, Glatter,MD,explains "what we do with our money is more important than the money we earn." As long as we know that the money is going to a good place, such as food for the family, help organizations and help other situations that go around us such as shelters for people without homes or food for the next day is a great feeling and the money has went to somewhere that is going to be used than only yourself. Money is what people work so hard for and desire to have, but isn't too much money a problem? As in the comic books and television shows, Batman has money, but with so much money he has there is a sorrowfulness in his heart where he spends so much money to fill the emptiness in his heart after his parent's death and shows the real side of people with money go through.  Meanwhile, Iron-man spends more money over and over for no reason and media makes us want to be that when reality not everyone makes it big, it's like a lottery, one in hundred-thousands win the big Jackpot and for others its just that illusion we are put in our minds that this can be you, but not everyone has the luck to succeed.

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