Flash and Arrow

Flash and Arrow

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Batman Never Seen Before, His Other Soft Side


Batman has never been seen his soft side. A side where he cares for someone that has been with him from the first years, Jason Todd. Jason Todd was Batman's sidekick known as Robin. Batman cared for Jason Todd than his own son Damian that became the last Robin. Jason Todd was never found after he was in Arkham Ayslum where Batman thought Todd had died, but indeed he died physically, but mentally he did. He had the patience to wait for Batman to come and save him but he never did. Joker was getting into Todd's head telling him "he will never come", "by now he already had another Robin by his side". But through all that Todd never gave up for Batman to come and save him from the Joker's cruelty. Joker would scared him, beat him and even call him his property until Todd gave in and gave up on his hope of being saved by Batman. In the comic book it shows Todd escaping with the last strength he had after he had been humiliated, physically and mentally hurt because he trusted Batman, but Batman never showed up. These are just some of the things
As in the game Batman Arkham Knight this is where the story continues on. Batman kept having those nightmares of watching Jason Todd suffer after the Joker was killed and somehow he was inside of Batman controlling his body in occasions. Batman had a new side kick that was Tim Drake, he saw him very different. Tim wanted to trust Batman and show him he is there for anything, but Batman would get away because he was always thinking of Todd. Without Batman knowing Todd was alive he came back to take vengeance against Batman. Both were blind because Batman did not know he was still alive, if he would've known there would be a big possibility Todd would had been saved. Batman did not know and Todd did not know Batman was not informed of his survival on Arkham Asylum. If both sides knew the story would've been different and they would not have had to fight against each other. this was the only time Batman truly showed his caring side either than his parent's death.

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